Virtual neuropsychological testing refers to using digital platforms or technology to conduct assessments that evaluate various cognitive functions and behaviors. Online neuropsychological testing for adults and children assesses your cognitive abilities. This includes memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and executive functioning. Our practice uses a neuropsychological evaluation online to understand impairments resulting from certain injuries, general executive functioning concerns, neurodevelopmental disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and some learning differences.

We’d be happy to talk to you about how virtual neuropsychological testing may help you or your child. First, we wanted to present this overview.

Virtual Neuropsychological Testing Procedure

The measures we choose aim to measure various aspects of cognition, including memory, attention, executive function, and processing speed. Our online neuropsychological testing for adults and children is administered remotely using specialized software or platforms that simulate traditional in-person procedures. Clients typically interact with the materials through a computer or tablet. Your neuropsychological evaluation online may include tasks involving puzzles, memory exercises, response time assessments, and more.

In some cases, we may suggest that you see someone local for some of the assessment, particularly if any motor component is best assessed in person.

Online Neuropsychological Testing for Adults and Children: Step One

The first step in any online neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive interview, during which we learn about what you are looking for in your evaluation, the questions you want answered, and whatever you’ve done to date to get those questions answered. We may give you questionnaires and structured interviews to ensure we get all the necessary information. For online neuropsychological testing for adults and children to be effective and worth your efforts, we must first ensure we can help.

Neuropsychological Evaluation Online: Step Two

Next, we will give the first round, designed to give us preliminary information on what may be causing the barriers and challenges you face. Online neuropsychological testing for adults and children can go in many directions, so measures are often given in rounds – as we learn more, we want to know more. The first assessments in your neurological evaluation point us in the right direction, and we’ll give you a chance to be part of the decision-making process.

Neuropsychological Evaluation Online: Step Three

Once we have done several rounds, the next step in any neuropsychological testing for adults and children is reviewing the results to ensure that you got what you needed out of the evaluation. We explain what we found, the limitations to any conclusions, and your next steps for self-help or formal treatment.

Virtual Neuropsychological Testing Domains

Virtual neuropsychological testing can encompass a wide range of uses and may include tasks such as:

1. Memory Assessments: These involve recalling words, images, or sequences. In most cases, we can administer this type of neuropsychological evaluation online. Virtual psychological testing
2. Attention and Concentration: Tasks assessing sustained attention or the ability to focus on specific stimuli. Again, we can usually administer this type of neuropsychological evaluation online.
3. Executive Functioning Tasks: Assessments measuring problem-solving skills, cognitive flexibility, and planning abilities. In some cases, you may be able to do these independently. However, you need to follow all instructions carefully.
4. Processing Speed Tests: Tasks determining how quickly individuals can process and respond to information. Some of these neuropsychological evaluation steps online can be done independently, though you may prefer to have us there virtually.

When More is Needed

While online neuropsychological tests offer convenience and broader accessibility, they may serve as initial screening tools or adjuncts to in-person evaluations rather than complete replacements. They can be particularly useful when in-person assessments are not feasible, for example, during remote healthcare delivery or for individuals with difficulty accessing traditional healthcare services.

Virtual Neuropsychological Testing Pros and Cons

Advancements in technology have allowed for the development of virtual assessment platforms. These platforms aim to replicate traditional face-to-face neuropsychological evaluations’ standardized and validated assessments. Virtual neuropsychological testing has become increasingly relevant, especially when in-person evaluations are not feasible or accessible, such as when people live far from available providers, all local providers have long wait lists, or when a provider with a specific specialty is unavailable.

Online neuropsychological testing is usually cheaper than in-person because you do some tasks independently, lowering the professional time needed.

Despite these positives, challenges still exist in ensuring the validity and reliability of these virtual measures compared to in-person assessments. This is especially true regarding factors like environmental distractions, technical issues, and the absence of direct supervision. While a virtual evaluation offers convenience and accessibility, it may not completely replace the need for in-person assessments, especially in cases where physical interactions and observations are crucial for a comprehensive evaluation.

Here are some factors to consider:

Virtual Neuropsychological Testing Validity and Reliability

We must ensure the measures are scientifically validated and reliable in measuring their intended neuropsychological evaluation online. We do this before every online neuropsychological testing for adults and children we give, but it is an important question to ask if you choose to go elsewhere. In some cases, we have to list caveats in our conclusions, such as any potential effects of you not being in a controlled office setting or any lack of specific standardization the measure has gone through for online neuropsychological testing for adults and children. While this may not alter the results, they are still important.

Online User Accessibility

The ease of use and accessibility of the assessment for a wide range of individuals, including those with varying technological proficiency, is important to assess. We will ask questions to ensure we are comfortable with you managing any self-administered part of the exam. We’ll talk about any distractions that might interfere with your ability to maintain concentration and focus, for example. We’ll also talk to you about your ability and comfort with technology and the level of technology you have.

Standardization of Online Neuropsychological Testing

This refers to the need for scientifically standardized procedures and norms to interpret results accurately. Some newer tests have been specifically standardized for virtual delivery, but older measures must be interpreted cautiously. We try our best only to use measures that have been standardized for online delivery, but sometimes, the best test to answer your questions has not been. This does not mean we cannot use it, but we must mention the lack of standardization in our report.

Limitations of Virtual Administration

Challenges related to the absence of face-to-face interaction may affect observations and nuanced behavior assessments. This can be important for some situations so that we will explain any limitations of online neuropsychological testing beforehand.

Virtual Neuropsychological Testing in Our Practice

We provide virtual neuropsychological testing for a wide variety of clients in our practice. Our primary competencies relate to online neuropsychological testing for certain issues, such as ADHD and Learning Differences, as well as Executive Functioning and Memory issues in general. Sometimes, an assessment is needed for more severe medical conditions, and we do not specialize in this area. You can search our psychological testing blog for more information about specific measures and how they might be given virtually.

Online Neuropsychological Testing for Adults and Children

Virtual neuropsychological tests are an emerging field, so the availability of specific virtual tests for your neuropsychological evaluation online may vary, and new measures may be developed over time. Here are some neurocognitive tests we currently use, but feel free to contact us for the latest information that might fit your needs.

  1. Cognitive Screening: The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) are standardized questionnaires that we use to start many online neuropsychological assessments.
  2. Virtual Neuropsychological Memory: The California Verbal Learning (CVLT) and Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure are two tests that measure various aspects of memory and related functions that can be given online. While there is little data on the validity of this method of administration, we are confident that the results are accurate. Online neuropsychological testing for adults and children often includes a test in this category.
  3. Attention and Concentration: Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) and the Conners Continuous Performance Test (CPT) are two measures in this area that can be given virtually. The only caveat is that some people do better or worse when attending to information presented this way, which must be factored in.
  4. Executive Function: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and the Stroop can be given online, with the same caveat as the above item. These measures are commonly used to assess cognitive functioning and attention.
  5. Language: The Boston Naming Test (BNT) can be administered virtually to measure word retrieval.
  6. Visuospatial: The Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT) can be given virtually, though most others in this category cannot.
  7. Emotional and Behavioral Assessments: While not core parts of a neuropsychological battery, it is important to assess for any psychological factors causing some of the reported symptoms. Thus, we often give the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI).

As noted in several instances above, we often have to note issues related to adapting these measures for virtual use. While some have been specifically studied regarding a neuropsychological evaluation, some have not, even though we are confident that they still measure what they should.

Get Started

Please feel free to contact us or sign up for a free consultation if you’d like to discuss how online neuropsychological testing might benefit you or your child. We can help you understand what measures we might choose, what to expect from the psych report, and how it all will be used to answer any questions you have and provide specific guidance and feedback. We will also provide a cost estimate, which is usually lower, sometimes significantly, for virtual neuropsychological testing compared to in-person administration.

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Dr. Alan Jacobson, Psy.D., MBA Founder and President
Dr. Jacobson is a senior-level licensed clinical psychologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. He founded the Virtual Psychological Testing Group in 2021. He provides psychological and neuropsychological testing for adolescents and adults.