We provide testing for giftedness by evaluating cognitive abilities, intellectual potential, and specific talents or skills. The reasons for referral usually involve school placement, extracurricular activity choices, and specific needs such as membership in the MENSA organization. Our giftedness testing report goes well beyond a yes or no answer when diagnosing giftedness, answering any specific questions you have and providing specific and detailed information about potential opportunities that high IQ may present.

We can do this testing as a standalone or combined with a wider variety of tests to answer other questions and give broader recommendations and conclusions.

We would be happy to talk to you about the reasons why you would be interested in testing for giftedness for yourself or your child, but first, here is an overview of the process and our services.

What Does “Gifted” Mean

Giftedness refers to individuals who demonstrate exceptional abilities or potential in one or more areas compared to others of their age, background, or environment. It is not solely based on high academic achievement; it encompasses a broad range of cognitive, creative, and socio-emotional characteristics.

Pillars of Giftedness

Some key aspects often associated with gifted individuals include:

  1. High Intellectual Ability: This can manifest in exceptional reasoning, problem-solving skills, memory, or abstract thinking. High IQ scores are often a part of this but are not the only defining factor.
  2. Creativity: Some individuals may exhibit advanced creativity, original thinking, and unique problem-solving or artistic expression approaches.
  3. Advanced Learning Potential: They often learn quickly and may require less repetition or guidance to grasp complex concepts.
  4. Intensities and Sensitivities: They may experience heightened sensitivities or intensities, such as emotional sensitivity, empathy, or a strong sense of justice.
  5. Diverse Interests and Talents: They may excel in various areas, including academic subjects, arts, music, sports, or leadership. This is often referred to as “multiple intelligences.”

Howard Gardner‘s theories of Intelligence is a good example of how different aspects of giftedness can be organized.

Drawbacks to Giftedness

Identifying and nurturing giftedness is crucial to support these individuals in reaching their full potential. However, it’s also important to recognize that it comes with its own challenges, including feelings of isolation, perfectionism, or asynchronous development (where a child’s cognitive abilities may outpace their emotional or social development). It also does not rule out other challenges that may co-occur, particularly increased anxiety and stress due to overthinking and having high-level goals.

There is also a related drawback in that the idea of being “gifted” does not resonate with people looking for something more descriptive or specific. Prospective employers do not look for someone with that definition; instead, they list certain skills and competencies in job descriptions. For these reasons, our testing digs deeper and goes beyond just a yes/no answer. We list the specific abilities and competencies that led us to that conclusion and what they might mean in the work context. Our goal with testing for giftedness is that you can proudly describe the talents and potential you have under the umbrella of being gifted.

Diagnosing Giftedness

Diagnosing giftedness typically involves standardized testing, observation, and evaluation by trained professionals who identify certain traits and characteristics. It can be a complex undertaking. Here are some of the variables that need to be considered:

  1. Behavioral Observations: This involves observing behavior, interests, and interactions. This data can provide valuable insights into abilities. Teachers, parents, and other caregivers may be asked to provide input on the person’s behavior and development, which can help.
  2. Review of Developmental History: Reviewing your developmental history, including milestones, educational experiences, and any previous assessments or interventions, can help build a comprehensive understanding of your abilities, needs, and strengths. These, in turn, are important in diagnosing giftedness.
  3. Multiple Criteria Approach: Diagnosing giftedness often involves considering multiple criteria, including intellectual abilities, academic achievement, creativity, task commitment, and leadership skills.
  4. Consideration of Cultural and Linguistic Factors: Cultural and linguistic factors that may influence the expression of giftedness should be considered. Standardized tests and assessment tools should be culturally fair and linguistically appropriate.
  5. Collaboration with Parents and Educators: Collaboration with parents and educators is essential in diagnosing giftedness and supporting gifted individuals. Sharing information and insights can help develop appropriate educational plans and interventions.

It’s important to note that intelligence is a complex and multidimensional trait, and no single test or measure can definitively measure it. Instead, a comprehensive evaluation that considers various aspects of your abilities and characteristics is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. Additionally, giftedness exists on a spectrum, and individuals may demonstrate different strengths and abilities within different domains. Our testing report will not just provide a yes/no diagnosis of giftedness, but rather will go into a detailed exploration.

Why Get Giftedness Testing

Getting tested for giftedness can offer important benefits. Here are a few reasons why it might be considered:

Understanding and Responding To Abilities

Testing for giftedness can identify exceptional abilities in specific areas, such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacities. It helps understand a person’s strengths and areas where they might excel. In turn, testing for giftedness can help identify opportunities for advanced learning, specialized courses, and enrichment activities that cater to the needs of these individuals. Testing may be a requirement for entry into these programs.

Testing for Giftedness and Tailored Education

For children, being identified as cognitively talented can lead to tailored educational plans that suit their learning pace and style. It allows educators to provide appropriate challenges and support, preventing boredom or under-stimulation in traditional classroom settings. Some children might also need support in managing the complexities of having a high IQ, such as heightened sensitivities, asynchronous development, or social and emotional challenges. Testing can lead to accessing appropriate resources or counseling.

Giftedness Testing and Personal Development

For adults, knowing one’s abilities can boost confidence and self-esteem. It allows individuals to embrace their strengths and uniqueness, fostering personal development and a sense of identity. Also, as with children, testing for giftedness can help adults manage some of the same complexities.

Career and Vocational Guidance

Giftedness testing can guide career choices. It can help individuals identify fields where their talents can be maximized and provide clarity when making career decisions. For this reason, testing for giftedness can be a part of our career testing services. Employers may hire us to provide this testing for groups of employees.

Specific Situations Relative to Intellectual Ability

Testing for giftedness is used in certain situations, such as the MENSA organization and other groups.

It’s important to note that giftedness is multifaceted and can manifest differently in various individuals. Testing alone might not capture the entirety of an individual’s potential, and it should be used as a tool in conjunction with other observations and assessments. Ultimately, the decision to pursue testing for giftedness should involve careful consideration of the potential benefits and your or your child’s specific circumstances and needs. We would be happy to talk that through.

Giftedness Testing Process

Providing appropriate educational opportunities, enrichment programs, and support tailored to their unique needs and interests is essential in helping individuals thrive. Thus, testing can be valuable in describing whether or not a person is “gifted” and their particular traits and potential. Here are some common methods used in giftedness testing for individuals:Testing for Giftedness

IQ Testing for Giftedness

We usually start with Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests like the Most commonly used WISC or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales to assess traditional intellectual abilities across various domains, such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. While this is not the only step, these tests provide a baseline and suggest a path forward for additional testing.

Achievement Testing for Giftedness

Achievement tests evaluate a person’s knowledge and skills in specific subjects or areas, identifying advanced capabilities in academic disciplines like mathematics, language arts, or sciences. This testing can confirm that the person’s high IQ has led to excellent performance, or sometimes that despite high IQ, performance has suffered due to a lack of opportunity to express it.

Specific Talent Assessments

For individuals exhibiting exceptional abilities or talents in specific areas (such as music, arts, athletics, etc.), specialized assessments or portfolios of work may be used to identify and measure their level of expertise in those domains. We do not provide these specific talent assessments, given that they are best performed by someone with much more knowledge and experience in these specific areas than we do. Still, we have connections in many areas and can refer you as part of our comprehensive assessment.

Behavioral Observations and Questionnaires

Depending on the type of giftedness being assessed, we may use behavioral observations in different settings, along with questionnaires or checklists completed by parents, teachers, or individuals, to gather information about behaviors, interests, and learning preferences.

Our Giftedness Assessments

It’s important to note that giftedness is not always identified solely by traditional measures like IQ tests, so we often provide a more complete battery of tests to provide the depth of information that will be most helpful. High IQ can manifest differently and might be visible in specific domains or talents rather than across all areas. Moreover, diagnosing giftedness can be influenced by factors such as cultural background, environment, and personal experiences, another reason why we often go well beyond the traditional Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in these assessments.

We would be happy to discuss the type of giftedness testing you are looking for for yourself or your child and what questions you hope to get answered. We can also discuss testing or diagnosing giftedness in general and its opportunities and challenges more generally. Contact us anytime.

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Dr. Alan Jacobson, Psy.D., MBA Principle
Dr. Jacobson is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. Dr. Jacobson provides psychological and neuropsychological testing for adolescents and adults.