Online psychological testing can be very effective. It refers to administering psychological assessments over the internet. Psychological tests online measure various aspects of an individual’s psychological functioning, such as Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Personality evaluation, emotional states, or mental health. A mental health test online can be as valid, reliable, and accurate as one taken in person. This post covers what you need to know before contacting us or another provider for an online psychological assessment.

Increased Use and Popularity

Psychological tests online have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and accessibility, especially in the context of self-assessment, research, and clinical practice. Online psychological testing gives you a more comprehensive range of professionals. Some Autism Spectrum Disorder cannot be delivered online so that that approach may have limitations. The same goes for any assessment where equipment is necessary, such as sports performance and physical dexterity.

We offer online psychological testing in 43 states. You need to understand the goals, advantages, and challenges of this approach, so here are some key points to consider regarding psychological assessments online:

Types of Online Psychological TestingOnline psychological testing

The following are the major types of online psychological testing we offer. We are careful only to choose those assessments that have been specifically normed and standardized for virtual administration, or we are confident that this approach will not lose validity or reliability.

Cognitive Psychological Tests Online

These assess Intelligence Quotient (IQ) like memory, attention, and problem-solving. Some online psychological assessment methods cannot be used this way, so you need to ensure that the conclusions and suggestions you seek can be achieved through virtual administration. Psychological tests online that measure IQ are not available for children under six.

Virtual Online Psychological Testing

These assess your Personality evaluation, such as the Big Five personality traits. These are usually available through virtual administration, but you must ensure that you do them with the same openness, honesty, and forthrightness you would show in person. You also need to be patient and take the time you need. A mental health test online requires you to be fully honest with your answers, even though you have no one monitoring the administration.

Emotional and Mental Health Tests

These measure symptoms of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or stress. It may be tempting to take these assessments independently, but we strongly suggest you do them with a professional, even virtually. The conclusions drawn can be nuanced or complex. Behavioral Assessments are closely related to mental health measures, as they evaluate behaviors, habits, or specific psychological conditions. We can easily give projective drawing and other powerful projective tests.

Virtual Neuropsychological Testing

These measure cognitive functions and are often used to assess for ADHD and learning differences. They can be very accurate and helpful, but again, you need to ensure that the measures that can be given virtually will answer your questions and give you the feedback you seek. We have a separate post about online neuropsychological evaluations.

Advantages of Online Psychological Testing

There are three main advantages of this approach:

  1. Accessibility: People can do online psychological testing from the comfort of their homes or wherever they have internet access. Remember that you need to be sure you are as open, honest, and equally motivated as you’d be if you were seeing the professional at their office.
  2. Privacy: Taking a mental health test online can provide a sense of privacy compared to coming to an office, where signage and other factors may encourage more honest responses.
  3. Cost-Efficient: Online psychological testing can be more affordable than traditional in-person assessments. Most people, including our practice, charge by the hour, so if there are measures you can do at home that are not interactive, we charge less.

Other advantages of taking a mental health test online include comfort and ease, and the cost is often less since the practitioner does not have as much overhead involved.

Challenges with Online Psychological Testing

There are also some challenges related to online psychological testing, such as:

  1. Validity and Reliability: Some online psychological assessment methods have not been extensively studied for Statistical Validity.  This does not mean that the measures themselves have not – we and most other places only use measures that have, but if there are differences in the results that may be due to online administration, they have not been studied.
  2. Ethical Concerns: Protecting privacy and data is crucial, especially when it comes to mental health. For example, we ensure the person administering the assessment uses a secure platform. We use very secure platforms, and most others do, but it is worth asking.
  3. Limited data: This approach may limit the practitioner’s ability to look for subtle behavioral reactions that could indicate anxiety or lack of focus, especially when you do some of the assessment on your own.
  4. Cultural and Linguistic Bias: Many psychological tests online are available in English and may not be culturally or linguistically appropriate for all individuals. This is not necessarily a specific difference between virtual and in-person. Still, we mention it here because people may be less likely to raise concerns.

“Free” Psychological Tests Online

Many websites offer free online psychological testing, where you test yourself and get results. These can be helpful in some ways, but there are significant drawbacks, such as:

Online Psychological Test Problems

  1. Reliability and Validity Concerns: The reliability and validity of online psychological measures can vary. Some may not be properly validated or may lack scientific rigor. This can result in inaccurate or misleading results, potentially leading to inappropriate conclusions or recommendations.
  2. Security and Privacy Concerns: Online psychological assessment platforms where no professional is present may raise concerns about the security and privacy of sensitive personal information. Ensuring the confidentiality of results and protecting individuals’ privacy is crucial in our field, so we use very secure platforms and keep all data quite secure.

Lack of a Comprehensive Approach

  1. Inability to Address Complex Issues: Some psychological issues are complex and multifaceted, requiring a thorough assessment beyond the scope of online measures. Full batteries conducted by trained professionals can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your psychological functioning.
  2. Lack of Personalization: Online measures are typically standardized and may not be tailored to individual needs and circumstances. In contrast, professionals can choose from a wide variety of more flexible and adaptive measures. They can build a battery based on your specific situation, goals, and questions.

Other Problems with “Free” Online Psychological Testing

  1. Lack of Therapeutic Relationship: In many cases, psychological assessments are conducted as part of a therapeutic process. Online assessments may lack the interpersonal dynamics and therapeutic relationships that can be established in face-to-face interactions, potentially limiting the overall effectiveness of the assessment.
  2. Limited Accessibility for Certain Populations: Not everyone has equal access to technology or the internet, potentially excluding certain populations from participating in online psychological testing. This could result in a biased sample that may not accurately represent the diversity of the population.

While “free” and non-professional online psychological testing can be a valuable tool when used appropriately, it is essential to recognize its limitations. Ideally, online assessments should be complemented by a professional evaluation, especially when dealing with complex mental health issues or critical goals. Additionally, all online psychological assessments should be conducted using validated and reliable measures and under ethical considerations to ensure the well-being and privacy of individuals undergoing evaluation.

Taking a Mental Health Test Online

What is taking a mental health test online like? There are several things to keep in mind:

  1. Review: Before taking a mental health test online, we’ll review it to ensure it covers the aspects of mental health you’re interested in exploring. We always ensure that every mental health test online is properly designed and based on established psychological principles.
  2. Psychological tests online and privacy: Our platforms prioritize your privacy and confidentiality. We will thoroughly review things so you understand how your data will be handled.
  3. Be honest when taking a mental health test online: Answer the questions honestly and honestly, even though you are not being closely monitored. Remember that these assessments are meant to provide guidance, not a diagnosis. Being truthful when taking a mental health test online will ensure you get the most accurate results.

Psychological tests online do not have to sacrifice reliability, validity, and accuracy. The results should be valid if you fully understand what they entail and follow our instructions carefully.

Online Psychological Assessment Case Example

Patrick is a 20-year-old college sophomore who self-referred for an online psychological assessment to evaluate possible ADHD and anxiety symptoms impacting his academic performance.

Background Information

Patrick reports ongoing struggles with time management, completing assignments, and focusing during lectures, particularly in online courses. He also experiences frequent feelings of worry, restlessness, and physical symptoms of anxiety (e.g., racing heartbeat) when faced with deadlines or exams. His college counselor mentioned that an online psychological assessment with us might help him develop self-help strategies, get college accommodations, and find areas of strength. He is interested in psychological tests online because his schedule is quite busy.

Online Psychological Assessment Tools

We administered these standardized psychological tests online via our secure platform:

  1. Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS v1.1) – Measures symptoms of ADHD.
  2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) – Screens for generalized anxiety symptoms.
  3. Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) – Screens for depressive symptoms.
  4. Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS) – Evaluates ADHD symptom severity.
  5. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders (SCID-5) – Conducted virtually to confirm diagnostic impressions.

Online Psychological Testing Findings

1. Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS): Elevated scores were noted, particularly in inattention and hyperactivity domains.

  • Inattention Symptoms: 8/9 (significant difficulty sustaining attention, organizing tasks, and following through).
  • Hyperactivity Symptoms: 5/9 (restlessness and impulsivity in decision-making).

2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7): Total score = 15, indicating moderate to severe anxiety symptoms.

  • The client reported persistent worry, muscle tension, irritability, and difficulty relaxing.

3. Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II): Mild depressive symptoms were identified (score = 12).

  • Reported fatigue and occasional feelings of hopelessness but no suicidal ideation.

4. Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS): Results aligned with significant inattentive and impulsive symptoms, consistent with ADHD.

5. Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-5): Confirmed diagnoses:

Diagnostic Impressions

  • Primary Diagnosis: ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type (DSM-5 Code: 314.00)
  • Secondary Diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (DSM-5 Code: 300.02)


  • College Accommodations:
    • Extended time for assignments and exams.
    • Access to lecture recordings for review.
    • Use of note-taking software or services.
    • Flexible deadlines where possible.
  • Therapeutic Interventions:
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for ADHD (CBT) to address anxiety and improve executive functioning skills.
    • Psychoeducation regarding ADHD and anxiety management strategies.
    • Mindfulness techniques for stress management.
  • Behavioral Strategies:
    • Use of planners and digital reminders to improve task organization.
    • Breaking assignments into smaller, manageable steps.
    • Scheduled breaks to maintain focus during study sessions.
  • Holistic/Self-Help
    • Sleep Hygiene: Maintain consistent sleep and wake times, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep to improve focus and energy.
    • Nutrition: A balanced diet with plenty of protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can stabilize energy levels. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flaxseed, and walnuts) may improve brain function.
    • Accountability Partners: Check in regularly with someone who can keep him accountable and motivated.
    • Gamify Tasks: Add rewards, challenges, or competition to turn tasks into a game.
    • Educate Others: Help friends, family, and colleagues understand ADHD so they can support him.
  • Follow-Up:
    • Reassessment in 6 months to monitor progress and treatment effectiveness.

Online Psychological Assessment Summary

The results of the online psychological assessment indicate that the client’s academic challenges stem from ADHD symptoms exacerbated by anxiety. A significant number of suggestions were made to address all of this.

Conclusions and Our Work

In summary, online psychological testing can be a valuable tool and allows you a greater choice in a practitioner, a lower wait time, and the potential for results that are as valid and reliable as in-person testing. They also tend to be less expensive than in-person evaluations. However, if you have any of the abovementioned concerns, you should discuss them beforehand and get proper evaluation and guidance.

We provide all the major types of online psychological testing, including IQ, personality, career and vocational assessments, and most of our specialty areas. We try to make it so that taking a mental health test online is as comfortable or even more comfortable than if you had come in for the service. Psychological tests online are powerful and effective.

Individualized Online Psychological Testing

We use only validated measures. As we assemble your unique battery, we have many assessments to choose from, and we will explain any limitations to our approach. Sometimes, we may be able to send you some materials to do beforehand that can help guide us about which measures to choose. We work hard to make sure you are an informed consumer before we start. Our online psychological testing services are generally less expensive than in-person ones.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about online psychological testing or our services.

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Dr. Alan Jacobson, Psy.D., MBA Founder and President
Dr. Jacobson is a senior-level licensed clinical psychologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. He founded the Virtual Psychological Testing Group in 2021. He provides psychological and neuropsychological testing for adolescents and adults.