Dyscalculia is a specific learning disorder that affects an individual’s ability to understand and perform mathematical tasks. There is no single, definitive dyscalculia test that is universally recognized, but a combination of assessments can be used to diagnose it. We offer testing for dyscalculia in all ages, with different approaches and instruments used depending on our client’s age and educational background. A dyscalculia test for children differs from a dyscalculia test for adults not only in how we determine whether it is an issue but also usually in the reasons for testing and the hoped-for outcomes and interventions. Often, dyscalculia testing for teenagers falls somewhere in between.

Testing for Dyscalculia in Our Practice

While this post goes over testing for dyscalculia in general, please feel free to contact us or schedule a consultation anytime if you have specific questions.

Initial Testing for Dyscalculia

As an initial screening, we will administer the following dyscalculia test measures, regardless of our client’s age.

  1. Mathematical Skills: These measure basic arithmetic abilities, problem-solving skills, and understanding of mathematical concepts. Testing for dyscalculia starts with determining that math is difficult.
  2. Cognitive Evaluation: This evaluates broader cognitive functions such as working memory, visual-spatial reasoning, and processing speed, which can influence math performance. We may not do a full IQ assessment now, but rather just the subtests affecting mathematical ability. Testing for dyscalculia needs to show that the difficulty in math is disproportionate to overall intelligence.
  3. Developmental and Educational History: Questions about academic performance, school struggles, and a family history of learning disabilities help with testing for dyscalculia.

Common signs

During our interview and initial screening, we look for difficulty in understanding numbers and their relationships, such as

  • Struggling with basic math tasks like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Problems with time management or difficulty telling time.
  • Confusion with sequences, such as steps in a math problem or instructions.
  • Trouble estimating amounts or recognizing patterns.

If the initial dyscalculia test results suggest that further evaluation is warranted, we do age-specific testing for dyscalculia, as follows.

Dyscalculia Test for Children

A dyscalculia test for children typically involves a comprehensive evaluation process that combines observations, cognitive assessments, and academic tests. Since this challenge affects a child’s ability to understand and manipulate numbers, early identification and intervention are important to help them develop coping strategies and receive appropriate support in school.

Signs Indicating a Need for a Dyscalculia Test for Children

  • Difficulty recognizing numbers, learning to count, or understanding quantity.
  • Problems remembering basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication).
  • Trouble with time concepts, such as reading clocks or calculating elapsed time.
  • Inability to understand patterns, sequences, or basic geometry.
  • Avoidance of math homework or significant frustration during math tasks.

Dyscalculia Test for Children Process

1. Initial Screening and Observation

  • Teacher and Parent Observations: Teachers and parents play a key role in noticing early signs. They may observe that the child:
    • Struggles to recognize numbers or count.
    • Has difficulty learning basic math facts (like multiplication tables).
    • Struggles to understand time or money concepts.
    • Avoids math-related tasks or experiences math-related anxiety.
  • Developmental History: Parents will be asked about the child’s developmental milestones, family history of learning difficulties, and any other challenges related to learning or attention.

2. Dyscalculia Test for Children Skills Assessment

  • Basic Arithmetic: This is the first step in a dyscalculia test for children, and it measures the child’s ability to perform tasks such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Number Sense: These examine whether the child understands larger vs. smaller quantities, sequencing, or the relationship between numbers.
  • Word Problems: Problem-solving questions about whether the child can apply math skills in everyday situations.

3. Cognitive and Psychological Evaluations

  • Cognitive Function: These evaluate underlying cognitive skills that support math learning, such as:
    • Working Memory: The ability to remember numbers or instructions while working with them.
    • Visual-Spatial Skills: Understanding how objects are arranged in space (which is important for geometry or place value).
    • Processing Speed: How quickly the child can perform basic tasks.
  • Executive Functioning Assessments: These assess the child’s ability to organize thoughts, focus, and plan steps for problem-solving.

4. Educational Dyscalculia Test for Children (Academic Skills)

5. Other Components of a Dyscalculia Test for Children

  • Learning Style and Strategy Assessments: A dyscalculia test for children can help determine how they learn best and develop strategies tailored to their needs.
  • Attention and Executive Function Testing: Since attention disorders like ADHD often co-occur with learning disabilities, these can identify if other factors might be affecting their math skills.

Diagnosis and Next Steps

  • After a dyscalculia test for children, the results are evaluated to determine whether the child meets the criteria for dyscalculia, which is classified as a “Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Mathematics” in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan: If diagnosed through testing for dyscalculia, the child may qualify for special school accommodations, such as extra time on assignments, a modified curriculum, or specialized math instruction.
  • Targeted Intervention: Based on the difficulties elucidated by the dyscalculia test for children, specialized math tutoring, multi-sensory approaches to learning math, and other interventions can be recommended.

Dyscalculia Testing for Teenagers

The process for dyscalculia testing for teenagers is similar to that for younger children. However, it also accounts for the more advanced mathematical tasks encountered during adolescence and the social and emotional impacts of struggling with math during the teenage years.

Signs Indicating the Need for Dyscalculia Testing for Teenagers

  • Difficulty understanding abstract math concepts (e.g., algebra, geometry).
  • Problems estimating numbers and working with fractions or percentages.
  • Struggles with time management, organizing tasks, or following a sequence of instructions.
  • Avoidance of math-heavy subjects or tasks.
  • Anxiety or frustration around math exams or assignments.
  • Difficulty interpreting graphs, charts, or other visual representations of data.

Dyscalculia Testing for Teenagers Process

1. Initial Screening and Observation

  • Parent and Teacher Observations: Teens with this learning difference may exhibit:
    • Persistent difficulty with basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
    • Problems with higher-level math skills such as algebra, geometry, or understanding graphs and charts.
    • Inability to handle tasks involving numbers in real-life situations (e.g., calculating discounts, time management, measuring ingredients).
    • Avoidance of math classes or math-heavy subjects, anxiety during tests, or poor performance on exams despite effort.
  • Teen’s Self-Report: Many teens can articulate their struggles with math better than younger children. Their input about their frustrations, anxiety, or math avoidance can be crucial in deciding whether testing for dyscalculia would be helpful.

2. Dyscalculia Testing for Teenagers Skills Assessment

  • Basic Math Skills: Dyscalculia testing for teenagers starts by evaluating their ability to handle foundational arithmetic operations and number sense.
  • Word Problems: Teens are assessed on their ability to understand and solve real-life word problems that require mathematical reasoning.
  • Advanced Math Skills: Depending on the teen’s current academic level, the assessment may include topics like algebra, geometry, fractions, and percentages. These are skills they would be expected to handle at their grade level.
  • Estimation and Measurement: We measure their abilities at estimating quantities, measuring objects, and working with time and money in practical scenarios.

3. Cognitive Testing

  • Working Memory: This learning difference often co-occurs with weaknesses in working memory. Cognitive measures, which evaluate the teen’s ability to hold and manipulate information in their mind while solving problems, are frequently part of the dyscalculia testing for teenagers that we do.
  • Visual-Spatial Skills: Teens with this learning difference might have difficulty with tasks that involve understanding spatial relationships (e.g., geometry, interpreting graphs or charts).
  • Processing Speed: Dyscalculia testing for teenagers measures how quickly the teen can process numbers and mathematical concepts, which might be slower.

4. Standardized Achievement Assessments

  • Measures such as the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ-IV), or KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment help evaluate specific mathematical skills and concepts as part of dyscalculia testing for teenagers.
  • These compare the teen’s performance to that of their peers to see if there are significant deficits in math skills.
  • Math Fluency: Standardized measures also assess math fluency, measuring how quickly and accurately the teen can perform basic calculations. These are often part of dyscalculia testing for teenagers.

5. Educational History and Performance

  • A thorough review of the teen’s academic records, standardized assessment scores, and performance in math-heavy subjects can provide insight into any longstanding difficulties with math.
  • Teachers may be asked to provide input on the teen’s classroom behavior, homework completion, and exam performance in math courses.
  • History of Interventions: If the teen has already received math tutoring or special education services, it’s important to consider whether previous interventions were effective.

6. Psychological and Emotional Assessment

  • Math Anxiety and Self-Esteem: Teenagers often develop anxiety around math as a result of ongoing difficulties. Psychological assessments can help evaluate the emotional impact of math struggles, which may affect their motivation and performance.
  • Co-occurring Conditions: We may also check for other learning disorders or conditions, such as ADHD, which often co-occur with learning differences and can exacerbate math difficulties.

Dyscalculia Testing for Teenagers Diagnosis and Report

  • After the evaluation, we review the results to determine if the teen meets the criteria for a Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Mathematics, as outlined in the DSM-5.
  • A detailed dyscalculia testing for teenagers psychological report will summarize the findings and provide recommendations for accommodations and interventions, which might include:
    • Extra time on math exams.
    • Allowing the use of a calculator.
    • Reduced math homework load or modified assignments.
    • Access to math tutoring or special education services.

9. Accommodations and Intervention

  • If the teen is diagnosed, they may qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan, which provides accommodations in school.
  • Targeted Math Support: Special education services or individualized tutoring tailored to the teen’s needs can help build foundational skills.
  • Assistive Technology: Tools such as calculators, math apps, or graphing software can be used to support learning.

Dyscalculia Test for Adults

A dyscalculia test for adults follows a process similar to that for children and teens, but it considers the practical challenges adults face daily. Adults with this learning difference may have struggled with math throughout school and into their professional and personal lives without knowing their difficulties are related to a specific learning disorder.

Signs Indicating the Need for a Dyscalculia Test for Adults

  • Struggling to estimate costs, calculate tips, or make financial decisions.
  • Trouble with schedules, deadlines, or calculating time differences.
  • Difficulty with spatial reasoning (e.g., reading maps, understanding distances).
  • Avoiding jobs or tasks that involve math or numbers.
  • Frequent mistakes when counting change, budgeting, or managing bills.

Dyscalculia Test for Adults Process:

We commonly offer a dyscalculia test for adults, often so they can get work accommodations of some sort.

1. Self-Screening and Observation

  • Self-Reflection: Many adults may have noticed ongoing struggles with numbers, calculations, and time management in their everyday lives. Signs to look for include:
    • Difficulty with basic arithmetic (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing).
    • Problems handling money, making change, or calculating tips.
    • Trouble understanding time concepts (e.g., how much time has passed, reading clocks).
    • Avoidance of tasks that involve numbers (e.g., financial planning, balancing a checkbook).
    • Trouble with spatial reasoning or interpreting graphs and charts.
  • Workplace and Personal Life: They may notice their difficulties in professional contexts (e.g., jobs requiring math skills) or in managing household finances or time efficiently.

2. Our Dyscalculia Test for Adults

  • Initial Interview: The dyscalculia test for adults usually begins with an in-depth interview to understand the adult’s educational history, work history, and day-to-day challenges with math.
    • We may ask about the individual’s school experience, math difficulties, and other learning or attention issues.
  • Screening for Co-occurring Conditions: Learning differences often co-exist with other conditions, such as ADHD or dyslexia. A comprehensive dyscalculia test for adults may include tests for these as well.

3. Cognitive and Mathematical Skills Testing

  • Cognitive Assessments: These part of a dyscalculia test for adults assesses core cognitive functions that support mathematical thinking, such as:
    • Working Memory: The ability to hold information in mind while working with it.
    • Visual-Spatial Reasoning: Important for understanding number placement and geometry.
    • Processing Speed: Measuring how quickly an individual can process numbers or mathematical information.
    • Executive Functioning: We assess planning, organization, and sequencing skills, all of which are important for math tasks.
  • Mathematical Skills: This more specific part of a comprehensive dyscalculia test for adults measures their basic and advanced math skills, and their ability to apply math concepts to real-world problems.
    • Arithmetic: Assessments of basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
    • Applied Math: These include real-world problems, like calculating discounts, budgeting, or understanding bills and invoices.
    • Advanced Mathematical Skills: These skills may also be tested if the adult is expected to perform higher-level math in their work (e.g., algebra or geometry).
  • Standardized Achievement: A dyscalculia test for adults may include the Woodcock-Johnson which measures mathematical reasoning, fluency, and calculation ability in relation to age norms.

4. Emotional and Psychological Evaluation

  • Adults with learning differences often experience frustration, embarrassment, or anxiety related to math tasks, which can lead to avoidance. This can have an impact on self-esteem and mental health.
  • Testing for dyscalculia evaluation may include an assessment of anxiety, particularly math anxiety, as well as how math difficulties have affected overall emotional well-being and professional success.

Dyscalculia Test for Adults Diagnosis and Report

  • If the criteria are met, we provide a diagnosis that might be part of a Specific Learning Disorder or a standalone learning difficulty with math.
  • A detailed psychological report will summarize the results and provide recommendations, including strategies for managing challenges and work accommodations.

Accommodations and Support for Adults

  • Workplace Accommodations: A dyscalculia test for adults can help you become eligible for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the U.S. or similar laws in other countries. These might include:
    • Access to calculators or apps that assist with math.
    • Extra time for completing tasks that involve calculations.
    • Job modifications that reduce the need for complex math.
  • Financial and Personal Management Tools: Using software to help manage personal finances, budget, or keep track of time and deadlines.
  • Assistive Technology: There are apps designed to support those with dyscalculia, such as math apps that provide visual supports or tools for calculating percentages, taxes, and more.
  • Tutoring or Coaching: Some adults seek help from a math tutor or learning coach to build confidence in basic math skills.

Summary and Our Work

We offer testing for dyscalculia and general specific learning disability assessments for all ages in our practice, including college accommodations. Please feel free to contact us or schedule a consultation anytime to discuss how testing for dyscalculia could benefit you or a loved one. We offer a dyscalculia test for children, but you may want to see whether your child’s school might do it instead. The same goes for a dyscalculia test for adolescents unless your child goes to private school, is home-schooled, or is in college.

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Dr. Alan Jacobson, Psy.D., MBA Founder and President
Dr. Jacobson is a senior-level licensed clinical psychologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. He founded the Virtual Psychological Testing Group in 2021. He provides psychological and neuropsychological testing for adolescents and adults.