In this blog we aim to provide the latest innovations in psychological testing, news about new services we provide, and updates on the many testing instruments and processes we use.

Multiple Intelligence Testing
Multiple intelligence testing is designed to give a full picture of your abilities. Psychologist Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences in the 1980s. Gardner proposed that human intelligence is not a single, fixed entity but a set of multiple...

The PAI Test – Personality Assessment Inventory
The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI test) is a psychological assessment tool designed to assess various aspects of an individual's personality, emotional functioning, and psychopathology. Like the MMPI Test, PAI testing includes a series of self-report questions...

Thematic Apperception Test
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is one of several projective psychological assessment tools, sometimes called psychological picture tests, commonly used to evaluate a person's thought patterns, attitudes, and emotional responses. The TAT test was developed by...

Testing for Personality Disorders
Testing for personality disorders is usually used as part of a comprehensive assessment. These challenges are characterized by enduring patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience that deviate significantly from cultural expectations. They, therefore, cause...

Neuropsychological Tests
Neuropsychological tests are specialized assessments that evaluate cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functions. They provide insights into brain function and potential cognitive disorders. These assessments can diagnose conditions like ADHD, Learning Disorders,...

Psychological Tests
Psychological tests are standardized measures designed to assess various aspects of an individual's psychological functioning, such as cognitive abilities, personality traits, emotional states, and mental health. They are usually "normed," meaning they are used on...

MMPI Test Overview
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI test) is a psychological assessment tool commonly used in clinical and research settings to assess personality traits, psychopathology, and mental health. The MMPI personality test has advantages, including...

Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological testing is a specialized assessment method used to evaluate a person's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning that may be affected by brain function. These batteries require a higher level of experience and training to administer. We...

Types of Intelligence Tests
Many types of intelligence tests are available, though, in theory, they should all point to the same bottom line number. The difference is more about the details. What specific subsets or aspects of intelligence do each of the types of IQ tests measure? Various...

Psychoeducational Testing: Vital Benefits
Psychoeducational testing, or a psychoeducational evaluation, assesses an individual's cognitive, academic, emotional, and behavioral functioning. It is commonly used to identify learning difficulties, cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and emotional or behavioral...
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