Testing for ADHD

Whether you are a student or pursuing a challenging career, understanding whether you have ADHD or a learning difference (LD) can be very helpful. Knowing the unique aspects of your diagnosis can help you tap into your strengths and overcome challenges. Further, it can reduce stress and anxiety because you and possibly those around you will understand yourself better. Psychological testing for ADHD and Learning can uncover the pathways to your success.

ADHD Testing

Benefits of ADHD Testing

ADHD testing can lead to new insights and deeper understanding of your strengths, opportunities, and challenges.

Psych Testing Result

Deepen Understanding

Psych testing for ADHD and learning differences goes well beyond a diagnosis to help you understand the unique features of your cognitive style. This can bring new insight into how to magnify strengths and reduce challenges.

Psych Testing Result

Reduce Stress

The better you understand your unique ADHD or learning differences, the more you can work with professors, colleagues, bosses, and people close to you to ensure you make the most of your time with them.

Psych Testing Result

Coping Strategies

Psych testing for ADHD and learning differences goes well beyond a diagnosis to help you understand the unique features of your cognitive style. This can bring new insight into how to magnify strengths and reduce challenges.

Psych Testing Result

Measure Success

Testing for ADHD can be repeated so that you can measure how accommodations and interventions are working. The results will help you decide what changes you’ve made have worked, and which ones need tweaking.

Attention Deficit Disorder Testing Instruments

Intelligence Tests

We will likely do an IQ test to determine your cognitive strengths and weaknesses and whether there are signs that symptoms of ADHD or learning differences are interfering with your achievement at work or school. We might also do specific tests of memory and concentration.

Career Testing Inventories
IQ Career Testing


Your psychological testing for ADHD and Learning will start with comprehensive surveys that describe your symptoms and trace them back as far as you can remember. Sometimes it can be helpful to ask your parents to help with this to cover areas you may not remember.

Specific Add-Ons

Once we’ve taken the first two steps, we will add other Autism Spectrum Disorder for ADHD such as the Stroop Test to ensure we cover all the areas you’d like. We might add tests to help you in your job, at home, or in school. We can explore specific strengths and challenges further,

Career Testing Aptitude

Testing for ADHD Overview

ADHD and Learning Disorders often coexist, and their symptoms may overlap. In addition, factors such as confidence and anxiety can be interwoven as well. Therefore, we will do specific testing that helps elucidate the nature of your unique symptoms. Sometimes we can detect how one area is causing the other, and sometimes we find out that it all coexists, but in almost all cases, we can find ways to interrupt the cycle.

The testing process for ADHD and Learning Disorders aims to provide you with a better understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and specific areas of challenge. By identifying these areas, we can suggest unique, powerful, and measurable interventions to help you reach your full potential.

Psychological Testing for ADHD

Psychological testing for ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is essential in identifying and diagnosing this neurodevelopmental challenge. Typically, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning and overall well-being. Our testing process starts with a comprehensive interview to discuss your thoughts, behavior, medical history, and symptoms. We then move into rating scales, cognitive tests, and specific tasks that can evaluate the presence and severity of ADHD symptoms. Our goal will be to provide uniquely tailored treatment strategies and support plans.

We also provide neuropsychological testing for ADHD when you want to go deeper as far as the exploration of the causes and effects of your or your child’s ADHD

Psychological Testing for Learning Differences

Psychological testing for Learning Disorders is similar. Learning Differences (LDs) are conditions that affect the acquisition, retention, and application of specific academic skills. These disorders can manifest in various areas, such as reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), or mathematics (dyscalculia).

The testing process for learning disorders involves a comprehensive assessment of your history regarding accessing your cognitive abilities, academic skills, and problem-solving. We try to identify discrepancies between your true potential and your actual performance at work, school, or any other place where cognitive skills are needed. Testing methods may include standardized tests, rating scales, observations, and analysis of your past school records. The results of learning disorder testing help determine appropriate interventions you can implement to overcome the challenges presented by Learning Challenges.

Our reports don’t just focus on challenges and barriers, but also some of the benefits of having ADHD.



Jim decided to come in for IQ testing before starting veterinary school. He knows how rigorous graduate school will be and wants to design a plan that maximizes his strengths and helps him overcome his challenges.

Jim takes the WAIS IQ test, which shows that he has strengths in nonverbal reasoning that are particularly strong when solving a problem in three dimensions. It also shows that he has a challenge in attention when the material is presented out loud and when he has to use working (immediate) memory on a variety of tasks.

Jim’s test report outlines what these conclusions might mean for veterinary school. He will likely excel in topics such as anatomy and when he has to work directly with an animal. He plans to make sure that he fully develops that strength. He will try to choose class schedules that always include these classes to lower his stress level and preserve his confidence.

He also hears that he may need help in lecture-type classes, especially when things move quickly, and it’s hard to take notes. He plans to record these classes and also get better at note-taking possibly. He will communicate up front with professors so they know this challenge, and he’ll go to them when he feels he’s fallen behind.

The IQ testing benefits for Jim were numerous. He was able to see how he could use his strengths to overcome some of his challenges, and what accommodations would help him overcome most of the rest. The benefits of intelligence testing are often that clear, and we always ensure that you get a comprehensive report that covers all of it. 


Here are some questions you may have about ADHD Testing. 

You can always contact us or schedule a consultation to get more information.

How Long Will ADHD Testing Take?

ADHD testing can often be done in one two-hour testing session, particularly if you are comfortable doing some of the inventories on your own time at home. There is also a one-hour feedback session after the results are in.

Will the Results Suggest Certain Accommodations for Work or School?

Yes, ADHD testing can suggest specific accommodations and interventions that will help you meet you potential and perform as well as you can at work and school. 

When Will the Report be Ready?

We try to produce a draft psychological testing report around 1-2 weeks from the completion of testing. Then we will meet to ensure it answers your questions. A final report will be produced around a week later.

Can ADHD Testing be Combined with other Tests and Assessments?

Yes, we often combine ADHD testing with other tests assessments such as Personality evaluation. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is often done as part of ADHD testing as well.  We can suggest a good combination.

Contact Us About ADHD Testing! 

We’d be happy to talk to you more about how testing can benefit you.