Personality Testing

A personality test battery uncovers new insights into where your reserves of strength and power are, how you can tap into them, and how to create a path to happiness, meaning, and contentment. We can provide a comprehensive personality analysis that helps you reach your true potential. Our personality testing services serve people ages 14 and up.

Personality Tests

Benefits of Personality Testing

A personality test can lead to powerful insights and deep understanding.

Psych Testing Result


 These assessments can provide individuals with insights into their own strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and behavioral tendencies. This self-awareness can lead to better understanding and acceptance of oneself, facilitating personal growth and development.

Psych Testing Result

Improved Communication

Understanding your traits and those of others can enhance communication and interpersonal relationships. It can help you adapt your communication style to better connect with different types, leading to more effective interactions.

Psych Testing Result

Improve Coping

Knowing your own traits and understanding how you naturally respond to stressors can help you manage stress and anxiety more effectively. It can also help you develop unique and targeted coping strategies and individualized growth plans.

Psych Testing Result

Find Strategies

Personality testing can be an aid in helping you develop strategies in your work, family, and social life that have the best chance to bring joy and contentment. You’ll know yourself even better, and this will help you find ways to thrive. You’ll also be able to avoid some missteps.

Personality Test Instruments

Self-report Questionaires

These long questionnaires cover many areas and are empirically proven to give outputs that show where your internal strengths are, how you can overcome challenges, and what may be causing distress. Examples include the NEO PI Personality Test and the MCMI.

Personality Testing
Personality Test

Projective Personality Tests

Projective assessments like the Rorschach inkblot give insight into your inner workings because you project what’s going on inside your mind onto an external stimulus. In response, our psychologist can help you develop new insight.

Structured Interviews

Our psychologist can ask a prescribed that she or he can modify to fit what begins to unfold. The result is an organized set of variables that give meaning to your thoughts and feelings.

Personality analysis

Personality Testing Overview

When undergoing personality testing there are certain things you can expect in terms of the process and outcomes. Here’s what you can generally expect from a personality test battery:

Types of Personality Testing

You should expect three types of responses: questionnaire types of assessments such as online surveys, paper-based questionnaires, or interviews; free choice types of tests like are found with projective testing and allow you to be creative and subjective; and Likert scale type tests where you rank things in some ways.

In all the questions will cover your preferences, behaviors, attitudes, and tendencies. These questions can cover a wide range of topics, including social interactions, work preferences, emotional responses, and decision-making.

How to Answer on a Personality Test

It’s important to answer the questions as honestly and authentically as possible. Attempting to give socially desirable or “correct” answers might lead to inaccurate results that don’t reflect your true personality. Remember, it’s all confidential and designed for you to learn about yourself. You’ll share your report only with those you want to.

Common traits assessed include the Big Five (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism), as well as other traits such as introversion-extroversion, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving. Overall, the assessment provides a wealth of information that brings new insights and ideas for improvement.

Depending on the measure, the number of questions, and your response speed, completing a personality test can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more.

Results and Interpretation

After completing the assessment, you will receive results that outline your traits based on your responses. These results may include a breakdown of your scores in various trait categories and descriptions of what those scores mean.

The assessment results can provide insights into your strengths, weaknesses, communication style, decision-making tendencies, and other aspects of you. This information can help you understand yourself better and make more informed decisions in various aspects of your life.

Limitations of Personality Test Results

Remember that these assessments provide insights into general tendencies and preferences, but they are not definitive or comprehensive assessments of your entire self. Use the results of personality testing as a tool for self-reflection and growth and consider them alongside your own introspection and experiences.

Personality testing should be used to identify challenges and opportunities, but they should not be limiting; If you want to pursue a career, social, or other goal that may present hurdles, these assessments should not rule it out but rather show you how to best overcome any challenges.

Our Work with Personality Testing

We provide personality testing for older adolescents and adults. We design a battery to fit your unique questions you hope to get answered, and we may add measures as we go to ensure we give you as much information as possible, such as creativity evaluations which are closely related. Many of these assessments can be given remotely, so we can provide these services to people in most US states. Personality testing is often part of a comprehensive psychological evaluation. We can do these as part of personality disorder testing.

We also provide personality testing for groups working together to find the best roles and organizational strategies. Finally, we provide evaluations for couples designed to help deepen their relationships.

Please feel free to contact us to talk about your questions and hopes relative to see whether our psychological assessment services might help.

Personality Testing Example

Lisa wanted a personality analysis as she enters a transitional period of her life where she is considering a career change and is looking to get more serious about pursuing relationships. She wants to understand herself better to ensure that she makes insightful and informed decisions.

Designing the Personality Testing

We collaboratively decided that her testing battery would include two comprehensive inventories: a test that measures types of anxiety and a projective. We also have her two questionnaires designed to provide a personality analysis based on her own self-observations. Finally, she agreed to have her partner fill out a form with his observations of her in different situations. Our goal is to help her deepen her understanding of herself in ways that clarify her career path and how she might pursue new relationships.

Personality Analysis Results

Lisa’s assessment reveals that she has some anxiety about change and unfamiliar situations that may inhibit her choices. Still, when she can block that out, she has an excellent emotional IQ and a solid ability to read situations socially. It also reveals that she prefers being a quiet but strong contributor at work, who is passionate and engaged despite not being demonstrative.

Lisa takes these suggestions and can design plans for her career and relationship choices that are a fit. She can also set goals to ensure that her quietness is not mistaken for a lack of engagement and understanding and that initial anxiety does not dissuade her from taking risks.


Common questions about personality testing.

How long does personality testing take?

These assessments are usually done in two sessions, each around 90 minutes. You’ll also likely do some of the assessments at home.

How long until I get the final report?

We try to produce a draft report within two weeks, and then we go over it with you to make sure it answers all of your questions.

Can personality testing be done virtually

Yes, most personality testing can be done virtually, as long as you have a quiet place to do some of the measures without distraction.

Can my personality test be combined with other types?

Yes, we can combine each personality test with many other types of instruments, including compatibility, transitions, and eIQ measures.

Final thoughts

Why Get a Personality Analysis

A personality analysis can be beneficial for several reasons:

1. Self-Awareness: Understanding yourself through a personality test battery can help you gain deeper insights into your behavior, preferences, and emotional responses.

2. Improved Relationships: Knowing your type and the types of those around you can enhance communication and empathy, leading to better personal and professional relationships.

3. Career Guidance: A personality analysis can identify your strengths and weaknesses and guide you toward careers or roles that align with your natural abilities and preferences.

4. Personal Growth: Each personality test can highlight areas for improvement and help you develop strategies to work on them, promoting personal development.

5. Conflict Resolution: Understanding yourself more deeply can aid in resolving conflicts by appreciating diverse perspectives and approaches.

6. Team Building: A personality analysis can help create balanced teams with complementary skills and working styles in professional settings.

7. Mental Health: It can provide insights into potential stressors and coping mechanisms, contributing to better mental health management.

Personality testing is a core aspect of our services, and the above reasons show why people are often pursuing this route. 

Contact Us About Personality Testing! 

We’d be happy to talk to you more about how these assessments can benefit you.