Dyscalculia is a specific learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to understand and perform mathematical tasks. There is no single, definitive dyscalculia test that is universally recognized, but a combination of assessments can be used to diagnose it....
Psychological Testing for Diagnoses Articles
Psychological testing can help you develop a greater understanding of what caused and is maintaining certain psychological symptoms.
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Dysgraphia Testing
Dysgraphia testing measures a neurological condition that affects writing abilities, making it difficult for individuals to write coherently and legibly. It can involve difficulties with spelling, handwriting, and organizing thoughts on paper. Testing for dysgraphia...
Sensory Processing Disorder Assessments
Sensory processing disorder assessments typically involve a combination of observations, questionnaires, and possibly standardized assessments to evaluate how a person responds to information. We can provide a sensory processing disorder evaluation, but we often need...