Could those social hurdles and intense interests hint at something deeper? Are there strengths and potentials that can be unlocked? High-functioning autism, also colloquially called Asperger's Syndrome, is often hard to identify and commonly missed. This post...
Psychological Testing for Diagnoses Articles
Psychological testing can help you develop a greater understanding of what caused and is maintaining certain psychological symptoms.
Latest Information in This Category:
Testing for ADHD in Girls
Attention Deficit Disorder in girls can present differently than in boys, so testing for ADHD in girls has become a specialty area for us. Of course, we are talking about tendencies, not absolutes, and many children show similar symptoms. But for reasons related to...

Testing for Psychological Disorders
Testing for psychological disorders, also known as mental health assessment test services, typically involves a combination of psychological assessments, interviews, and observation. There are many reasons why people come to us looking for testing for mental health...

Bipolar Disorder Testing
Bipolar disorder testing typically involves a combination of methods, including clinical interviews, psychological assessments, and mood tracking. The following covers the types of bipolar depression assessment we provide, the tests for bipolar disorder we choose, and...

Dyslexia Testing
We offer both a dyslexia screening and comprehensive dyslexia testing for adults and children. This post provides an overview of the typical steps involved in our services. Please do not hesitate to reach out or schedule a consultation if you feel that a dyslexia...

Testing for Neurodivergence
We offer testing for neurodivergence in adults and children. Our psychological testing can provide you with a wealth of information about your strengths and challenges regarding this or any related diagnosis and how to ensure you reach your full potential regardless...