In this blog we aim to provide the latest innovations in psychological testing, news about new services we provide, and updates on the many testing instruments and processes we use.
Virtual Psychological Testing Guide
Virtual psychological testing has become much more common, offering various advantages such as accessibility, convenience, and sometimes even enhanced accuracy due to consistent test administration. Virtual psychological assessments cover diverse areas like...

Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Raven's Progressive Matrices is a nonverbal test used to measure abstract reasoning and intelligence. It consists of a series of visual pattern puzzles in which you must identify the missing piece that completes a matrix of shapes or patterns. These matrices typically...

Testing for Giftedness
We provide testing for giftedness by evaluating cognitive abilities, intellectual potential, and specific talents or skills. The reasons for referral usually involve school placement, extracurricular activity choices, and specific needs such as membership in the MENSA...

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales are a set of individually administered intelligence tests used to assess cognitive abilities in individuals from early childhood to adulthood. We use the Stanford-Binet test to measure intelligence and cognitive abilities across...

OCD Testing
We offer comprehensive OCD Testing for teenagers and adults. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Testing involves a combination of assessments designed to go well beyond giving a diagnosis by providing specific details about potential causes, treatment planning tips, and...

The MCMI: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) is a psychological assessment tool used to evaluate personality traits in individuals. It's based on Millon's personality theory and aims to identify various clinical syndromes and personality styles. The MCMI...

Anxiety Testing
Anxiety testing can help assess the severity, type, and specific symptoms a person may be experiencing. Anxiety tests are a valuable tool in mental health assessment, aiding in accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring of certain disorders. It provides a...

The WISC Test
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC Test) is a comprehensive intelligence test designed for children between 6 and 16. The WISC IQ test assesses a child or adolescent's cognitive abilities and measures their intellectual functioning. It can be used as a...

Fluid Intelligence Testing
Fluid intelligence testing assesses your ability to think and reason abstractly, solve problems, and adapt to novel situations. It is contrasted with "crystallized intelligence" testing, which tests your knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education....

Psychological Testing for Learning Disabilities
Psychological testing for learning disabilities in adults and children can be crucial in assessing and diagnosing barriers and challenges. It can also help determine the accommodations, coping strategies, and interventions to help that person succeed. We provide...
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