In this blog we aim to provide the latest innovations in psychological testing, news about new services we provide, and updates on the many testing instruments and processes we use.
Testing for ADHD in Girls
Attention Deficit Disorder in girls can present differently than in boys, so testing for ADHD in girls has become a specialty area for us. Of course, we are talking about tendencies, not absolutes, and many children show similar symptoms. But for reasons related to...

The Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation
If you want something more wide-ranging than psychological testing, we can provide a comprehensive psychological evaluation. A comprehensive psychological assessment is a thorough assessment that aims to gather detailed information about your psychological...

Online Psych Evaluation Advantages
There have always been qualified professionals who provide online psych evaluation services. However, during COVID-19, that number expanded since people continued to need the service even though in-person evaluations were not always possible. We quickly saw how a...

Stroop Effect and Trail-Making Test
The Stroop Test measures cognitive processing speed, flexibility, and ability to inhibit automatic responses. It is named after John Ridley Stroop, who first published it in 1935. We commonly use the Stroop Test in our Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,...
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is a psychological test to assess cognitive flexibility and executive functions such as problem-solving, working memory, and the ability to shift cognitive strategies. It was developed by psychologists David A. Grant and Esta A....

Memory Testing
Memory testing involves assessing an individual's recollection of academic, work, and home tasks. We provide assessments for people of all ages designed to help you understand your strengths, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Often, this assessment is part of...
Compatibility Testing for Couples
We provide compatibility testing for couples to people at all stages of relationships. A compatibility test with your partner can take various forms. This post reviews how to check partner compatibility, why you may want to pursue it, and what the results might show....

Executive Functioning Assessments
Executive functioning assessments (EF assessments) are evaluations designed to measure an individual's cognitive abilities on higher-level cognitive skills that help people plan, organize, manage time, pay attention, regulate emotions, and achieve goals. Thus,...
Virtual Neuropsychological Testing
Virtual neuropsychological testing refers to using digital platforms or technology to conduct assessments that evaluate various cognitive functions and behaviors. Online neuropsychological testing for adults and children assesses your cognitive abilities. This...

Psychological Testing for Autism in Adults
Psychological testing for autism in adults involves a comprehensive assessment that goes well beyond just a yes or no about whether someone has autism. Adult autism testing should inform you about your unique symptoms and their opportunities and challenges. We also...
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