In this blog we aim to provide the latest innovations in psychological testing, news about new services we provide, and updates on the many testing instruments and processes we use.

Evaluations for GRE, MCAT, GMAT and LSAT Accommodations
Standardized admissions tests offer accommodations for individuals with disabilities to ensure they can take the test on an equal footing with others. Provided under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), GRE, MCAT, GMAT, and LSAT accommodations...
Testing for Extended Time on the SAT
We provide testing to help students qualify for extended time on the SAT. Students must apply for accommodations through the College Board to take the SAT with extra time. The SAT accommodations process is fair but stringent and requires that students prove it is...

The Neuropsychological Evaluation
A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive and behavioral functions using a set of standardized tests and procedures. We provide neuropsychological exams for certain conditions, assessing the relationship between the brain and behavior....
Forensic Psychological Assessments
Forensic psychological assessments are evaluations conducted by psychologists or psychiatrists within the context of legal proceedings. They provide the court with expert opinions on various psychological issues that may be relevant to a case. Forensic psychological...
House-Tree-Person and Draw-a-Person Tests
We offer two projective drawing measures: the house-tree-person test (HTP) and the draw-a-person test (DAP). These assessments can augment many other psychological measures we give, especially when we are assessing personality, relationship issues or planning, or...
Court-Ordered Psychological Evaluations for Custody
Court-ordered psychological evaluations for custody, often called forensic evaluation for custody or psych evaluations for custody, are a formal assessment of a parent's mental health, personality, and behavior as it relates to their fitness to have some degree of...

Neurocognitive Testing
Neurocognitive Testing is an assessment used to evaluate various aspects of cognitive functioning. A Neurocognitive exam is longer than other measures and must be tailored to the presenting questions and challenge. We administer many neurocognitive tests that can be...

Woodcock-Johnson Tests
The Woodcock-Johnson Tests are widely used assessments designed to measure cognitive abilities (WJ cognitive) and academic achievement (WJ achievement test). They can also assess other aspects of psychological functioning. Developed by Richard Woodcock and Mary E....
Career Aptitude Testing
We offer career aptitude testing, which can be a valuable tool for anyone seeking to understand their strengths, preferences, and potential vocational paths. We can offer a career aptitude test for adults who are through formal schooling and may be considering a job...

Testing for Educational Accommodations
We provide testing for educational accommodations, adjustments or modifications provided to students with disabilities to ensure equal access to education. These interventions vary widely depending on the student's needs and the educational setting. For example, IEP...
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