In this blog we aim to provide the latest innovations in psychological testing, news about new services we provide, and updates on the many testing instruments and processes we use.

How to Get a Psychological Evaluation: Step-by-Step Guide
This post provides a guide to how to get a psychological evaluation. Whether you're experiencing distressing symptoms, need documentation for legal purposes, hoping for educational or workplace accommodations, or just want deep and meaningful insights into your mental...
College Accommodations
College accommodations refer to the adjustments or support services colleges and universities provide to ensure that students with disabilities, health issues, or specific needs have equal access to education. These interventions are designed to level the playing...
Sensory Processing Disorder Assessments
Sensory processing disorder assessments typically involve a combination of observations, questionnaires, and possibly standardized assessments to evaluate how a person responds to information. We can provide a sensory processing disorder evaluation, but we often need...
Achievement Testing
Achievement tests are standardized assessments designed to measure a person’s knowledge or skill level in a specific learning area. Academic achievement testing is commonly used in education to evaluate how well students have mastered the content taught in a course or...

Testing for ADHD Accommodations for School and Work
We provide evaluations for necessary ADHD accommodations, which are adjustments and supports provided to individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder to help them function better in academic, work, and daily life environments. Accommodations for ADHD are...

Specific Learning Disorder Assessments
We offer Specific Learning Disorder Assessments that can uncover neurodevelopmental conditions that affect a person's ability to acquire academic skills, such as reading, writing, or mathematics, despite normal intelligence and adequate educational opportunities....

Military Waiver Evaluations
Military waiver evaluations assess whether a person who would otherwise be disqualified from joining or continuing to serve in the military can receive a waiver to enlist or stay in service. A military psychological waiver (or military waiver for mental health) is...
Dysgraphia Testing
Dysgraphia testing measures a neurological condition that affects writing abilities, making it difficult for individuals to write coherently and legibly. It can involve difficulties with spelling, handwriting, and organizing thoughts on paper. Testing for dysgraphia...
Dyscalculia Test Services
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to understand and perform mathematical tasks. There is no single, definitive dyscalculia test that is universally recognized, but a combination of assessments can be used to diagnose it....

Evaluations for GRE, MCAT, GMAT and LSAT Accommodations
Standardized admissions tests offer accommodations for individuals with disabilities to ensure they can take the test on an equal footing with others. Provided under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), GRE, MCAT, GMAT, and LSAT accommodations...
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